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Top Six Best Things to Do During Long Weekend 2017

Make the most out of your extra time off from work with these activities.

By: Patricia Marie Prado | August 20, 2017
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Did you know that of all the countries in the world, the Philippines is among those with the most number of holidays[1]. On average, we have around 18 to 20 holidays which we celebrate every year. From commemorating our national heroes to religious observations, we never run out of things to celebrate.

What can we do to maximize all this extra time off? We asked our readers what they do during long weekends and here are the results!

6. Attend workshops.

long weekend 2017 Philippines

Sharpen your skills or learn a new one when you attend workshops.

Instead of binge watching movies and TV shows, why not learn instead? Starting at the sixth spot is attending workshops. There are plenty of creative, smart people around who you can learn from! Just browse through your social media feed and you’ll find influencers offering workshops.

Here, you can learn new things about your craft which you can apply once you get back to work. You can also attend workshops about things you’ve always wanted to try like calligraphy, writing, or photography! These avenues are also a great place to meet new people so you can expand your network.

5. Travel out of the country.

long weekend 2017 Philippines

Widen your horizons during long weekends.

Another great activity during long weekends is traveling out of the country. After a long, stressful week, what better way to reward yourself other than a little bit of travel?

One good thing with our holidays is that they are predictable. They almost always fall on the same specific date, so you’ll know when to book that plane ticket. Aside from being relaxing, studies say that traveling helps reduce stress, and will make you happier and more creative. It will also help you learn more about different cultures and countries other than the Philippines.

4. Work on your personal projects.

long weekend 2017 Philippines

Craving for some me time? Do it on the next long weekend.

If you find a three or four-day long weekend too short, you can always opt for an activity in our fourth spot: work on your personal projects, or in other words, some me time.

Some of us neglect work-life balance. We forget that we also have a life outside of the office. Long weekends are perfect for catching up on your passion projects! Finish that book you’ve been meaning to write or that plan for your dream business. Dedicating some time to yourself is proven to relieve some stress and help you get rid of that feeling of resentment.

3. Go on a staycation with friends.

long weekend 2017 Philippines

Who knew good friends will help us live longer?

On our third spot is going on a staycation with friends. A staycation is a quick getaway without really going away. It gives you the luxury of going to a different place, say staying in a hotel, but is still economical because there’s no need to travel too far.

What makes a staycation on a long weekend better is spending it with your friends. It’s a perfect time to catch up, unwind, and forget all the drama at work and home. Studies show that good friends also promote good health. Friendship helps lessen stress, improve self-worth, and even strengthens our immune system [2].

2. Spend time with family.

long weekend 2017 Philippines

Spending time with your family might be the best activity to do this weekend.

Long weekend or not, the activity that made it at the second spot is essential. Spending time with family should be a no-brainer. With all the hours that we put in at work, we tend to forget the people behind us. Long weekends are the perfect time to reconnect with our family members.

Studies show that spending more time with your children increases their self-esteem and even results to greater performance in school. Studies also revealed that the more we age, the more time that we need to bond with our family, not away from them.

1. Go on a vacation with the family.

long weekend 2017 Philippines

Go away on a trip and create new memories with your family!

And the top activity to do during long weekends is: spending a vacation with the family! As the previous entries show, both traveling and spending time with your family are equally great activities. They both contribute to our overall well-being, whatever stage in life we are in.

Vacationing gives you chance to create memories that will last a lifetime. Think of all the experiences that you’ll share with your children. Traveling with your family also means spending quality time with each other. This will give you time to have a one-on-one conversation which you weren’t able to do at home.

Excited for the upcoming long weekends this year? Let us know on the comments which are your favorite activities!

Results are based on the Top Things to Do during Long Weekend Poll posted at the home page of ShoppersGuide.com.ph from August 07 to August 13, 2017.

[1] https://bit.ly/3GZLEvD
[2] https://bit.ly/3FdEXF4
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About Patricia Marie Prado
Patricia came from the field of business and accounting but is now pursuing her dreams of being a writer. She is a self-confessed introvert and is passionate about reading, travelling, writing, movies, coffee and God. When she's not writing, she loves discovering new coffee shops/cafe and doing TV-series marathons.
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