Christmas Guide

9 Amusing Things in a Filipino Family Reunion That You’ll Relate To

They aren’t in the program, but you’ll surely see them in a Pinoy reunion.

By: Patricia Marie Prado | November 09, 2017
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Christmas season is upon us, which means that it’s that time of the year again when we Pinoys have to go to this inescapable yearly event called family reunion. Family and relationships are important in the Filipino culture, so these gatherings are a must.

Although family reunions in the Philippines are meant to be festive ways to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones, let’s be honest: it’s not always a smooth-sailing affair. There are some things that we are looking forward to, but there are other things that we are not looking forward to at all. Here are some family reunion ideas in the Philippines that every Filipino expects at his or her favorite (or least favorite) event of the year. Family and relationships are essential in Filipino culture, so these gatherings are necessary. Have a good laugh while you read the following scenarios of Filipino family reunions and see if any of them sound familiar to you.

1. Food Galore

Family reunion ideas in the Philippines, Family reunion in the Philippines, Filipino family reunion

Your entire clan’s signature dishes all under one roof!

Image: Andrea Aviado

It makes no difference whether you get together before or after Christmas; there will always be food. Every Filipino family celebrates Christmas Eve, known as Noche Buena, and family reunion ideas in the Philippines mean plenty of Noche Buena dishes prepared by each clan family. Your relatives’ best dishes will be on the table, like your aunt’s signature fruit salad or your grandma’s kaldereta (meat stew) that only she can perfect.

Meanwhile, you are required to taste each one of these because it’s the only time you might be able to. What’s nice about a family reunion in the Philippines is that you can take home leftovers and enjoy them later. This is one of the best family reunion ideas in the Philippines.

2. Nosy Titos and Titas

Family reunion ideas in the Philippines

They may sometimes ask pesky questions, but our aunts and uncles always want the best for us.

Image: Patricia Marie Prado

They are the reason why young adults who have never been married fear going to family reunions. In the Filipino family reunion, the adults, specifically our titos (uncles) and titas (aunts), somehow never run out of questions. For starters, they’ll ask you why you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, and if you have one, they’ll ask you when you are getting married.

But the thing is, in family reunion ideas in the Philippines, these aunts and uncles have been our second parents who have always looked after us. It’s your chance to thank that tito who helped you through college or that tita who has always given you fancy gifts during Christmas.

3. Fun Games with Your Cousins

Family reunion in the Philippines

A simple game can turn competitive when your cousins are around.

Images: L, Eunice Unida; R, Febylaine Opelac

Some aunts and uncles (and sometimes our own parents) can’t help but compare their children with each other when you are at a family reunion in the Philippines. One aunt will brag about her daughter, who’s now a doctor, or an uncle will go on and on about how his son just came back from London for a business trip. This is one of the unsatisfactory aspects of family reunion ideas in the Philippines.

Regardless of the comparison, seeing your cousins is one of the most enjoyable aspects of being at a reunion. They are so close to you that it is almost like having siblings, and when you get together with them, you can talk about how naughty you all were when you were younger. Among yourselves, the only competition you’ll be having is beating each other at tongits (card games) or sungka (mancala)

4. Performing Children

Filipino family reunion

Cute little cousins are always the stars of family reunions.

Image: Patricia Marie Prado

It’s not only the young adults who dread family reunion ideas in the Philippines but also the children and teenagers who will be forced to perform for the whole family. Regardless of whether they like it, at a family reunion in the Philippines, one crazy tito or pleading Lola will ask them to sing, dance, or act.

Laugh at them all you want, but prepare to sing when your parents give you the microphone. You know there’s no way out to this Filipino family reunion.

5. The Blasting Karaoke

Family reunion ideas in the Philippines

It’s not a reunion if there’s no karaoke present.

Image: Patricia Marie Prado

Since we’re already talking about performing, you know there’ll be karaoke at family reunion ideas in the Philippines. Prepare your ears as your drunken uncles sing songs you’ve never heard of and hit high notes you never knew they could reach. Never mind that they are slurring their words as they read the lyrics to Frank Sinatra’s My Way; they will finish their song.

And let’s admit it: singing runs in every Filipino family’s veins. The next thing you know, you and your cousins will fight over whose turn it is.

6. Drunken Uncles

Family reunion in the Philippines

You’ll be hearing your uncles say “Cheers” as early as 1 o’clock in the afternoon.

Image: Eunice Unida

Drunken uncles are also on the agenda for family reunion ideas in the Philippines. As early as lunchtime, men at the family reunion in the Philippines will set up a table and bring out all kinds of liquors and alcohol, from simple bottles of beer to stiff drinks. Avoid them at all costs if you don’t want to be forced into drinking a shot of whatever they’re having.

And before you get irritated with the rowdiness, remember that just like you and your cousins, they make up for lost time, one of the sweetest family reunion ideas in the Philippines. These are your parents’ brothers and sisters, and they haven’t seen each other for a very long time, too.

7. Nervous Boyfriends/Girlfriends

Filipino family reunion

Bringing your new beau may be awkward, but introducing them to your family is necessary.

Image: Eunice Unida

The beauty of family reunions is seeing faces you haven’t seen in a long time. The fun part is when one of your relatives brings someone new, like his or her boyfriend or girlfriend. Your aunts and uncles would have a field day interrogating these newcomers, and on your part, it would be a delight to watch said newcomers get grilled.

The fun part ends when it’s your turn to bring one! Still, bringing your special someone to this family reunion idea in the Philippines means you two are getting serious, and it’s only fitting that you get your family’s approval.

8. The Family Uniform

Family reunion ideas in the Philippines

From personalized shirts to color-coded outfits, reunions become better when you all look the same.

Images: L, Ela Mones; R, Eunice Unida

Family reunions in the Philippines can be casual, but they can also be super organized to the point that everyone must wear a specific uniform. Usually, you all wear the same color, or there are personalized shirts you are all required to wear.

Call it corny, but it makes for a great “kodakan” (picture) moment at the end of the day. Squeeze in, though, because all of you need to fit inside the frame.

Here’s a list of stores where you can buy shirts for your family reunion OOTD. You can also check out the Fashion & Apparel category of the ShoppersGuide Directory for more options.

9. Aguinaldo and Christmas Gifts

Family reunion in the Philippines

You’re never too old for a gift.

Image: Eunice Eunida

One of the best parts of family reunion ideas in the Philippines is the gift-giving portion. No matter how young or old you are, as long as you belong to the second or third generation of the family (children or grandchildren), you are in for a Christmas gift. Kiss your grandparents on the cheeks, and do mano (touching an elder’s hand on one’s forehead as a sign of respect). In family reunions in the Philippines, you’re already in for some Aguinaldo or money! Don’t mention the super generous aunts and uncles who give you a couple of bucks or a fancy gift they bought abroad.

But more than the gifts, in these family reunion ideas in the Philippines, it’s the spirit of giving that count. It doesn’t matter if the gift is memorable, clichéd, expensive, cheap, unique, or corny; seeing that your relatives remember you matter.

Whether you find these quirky things fun or annoying, these are what make a Filipino family reunion unique and special. At the end of this one crazy event, the best part is knowing that you were given a chance to see and bond with your relatives.

Let us know in the comments section your favorite thing about your family reunion.

All photos are from the families of some of the ShoppersGuide team.
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About Patricia Marie Prado
Patricia came from the field of business and accounting but is now pursuing her dreams of being a writer. She is a self-confessed introvert and is passionate about reading, travelling, writing, movies, coffee and God. When she's not writing, she loves discovering new coffee shops/cafe and doing TV-series marathons.
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