Broken Gadgets: When to Repair or to Replace?

Repair or replace? The first step is always a comparison of all options.

By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | January 06, 2018
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gadgets repair or replace

To repair or to replace? That is the question.

Gadgets come and go: after a long run, they either have to be upgraded, replaced, or repaired. Sometimes, fixing a broken laptop, phone, camera, or any other electronic gadget costs as much as purchasing a new one. This is why some consumers are often confused on what procedure to take because they are often thinking of better ways to get their money’s worth.

There are some cases when a simple repair just won’t do and a replacement is a better solution, yet there are also chances that a replacement is not really necessary as long as the gadget is still fixable by means of repairing. The solution is really on a case-to-case basis, like how severe the damage on the gadget is.

One thing that consumers must do when deciding whether to repair or to replace is to compare prices and see which option will save more money.

Tech websites suggest that when making comparisons, consumers should also consider how much the broken gadget would cost when sold, as some people buy broken tech on websites such as eBay. Through this method, the consumer can offset the price of an upgrade by selling the broken item.

In a nutshell, this means that if it costs thousands of pesos to fix a broken laptop, yet it will cost just a few thousand pesos to purchase a new laptop, selling parts of the broken laptop can soften the blow of purchasing a new one.

Another thing that consumers have to consider when it comes to deciding is acknowledging the value of their time. Consumers should consider the length of the repair time and how long the gadget will be away. For example, if the item to be repaired is a laptop that the consumer uses for major everyday activities such as work, then there should be a backup laptop during the time of repair.

If the repair can be quick, then an upgrade won’t be necessary. However, if the gadget spends more time in repair shops than with its owner, then it will be better to find a replacement.

As some people prefer to purchase new items to switch from old ones, consumers must keep in mind that not every new technology is an upgrade. The item might be in better condition than the old one, but that does not guarantee that it will suit the consumer’s preferences or tastes.

The sentimental value of the item to its owner also counts, but this depends on the owner, as some people do not have any significant attachment to their items. However, there are some who still hold on to their old gadgets because of familiarity and their function. If the owner is sentimental toward his or her gadget and is not ready to get an upgrade for it, then he or she should get the gadget fixed instead. However, keep in mind that sentimental value should only be a factor in decision-making and not the only option.

A repair would be better than a replacement for the following situations:

• There is no storage left.

Those pictures, apps, music, and videos do not necessarily have to find a new home through a new device. A larger storage card would suffice to preserve all the important files. Another alternative is by backing up unnecessary files to a backup hard drive to give way to more important ones.

• The owner is starting to have a hard time using the device.

It helps that the owner can search for a manual on the internet or ask assistance from the carrier outlets of the device.

• The screen is cracked.

Fixing a cracked screen is relatively cheaper than buying a new device. But if the owner wants his or her device to be in perfect condition, a glass and LCD replacement will suffice. To prevent any more screen-related damage to the device, the owner should canvas on a protective case instead of buying a new device.

• The owner wants an upgrade just for the sake of it.

Unless there’s any major reason, an upgrade won’t be necessary if the current item is still in tip-top condition. Most consumers upgrade for the sake of jumping into the hype of the new item, but it is not always worth it.

On the other hand, a replacement would be better than a repair for the following reasons:

• The device is really old.

If the gadget is a decade or almost a decade old, its technology might be too behind compared to the new ones. Also, if the device experiences frequent lagging or freezing, maybe it’s time for an upgrade.

• The device is just unusable.

If the device is malfunctioning more than it can be tolerated—for example, the screen or LCD is so broken that its users can’t see the display properly, water damage, shattered camera lens, or broken internal parts—then it’s high time for a replacement. Although these damages can be repaired, if the repair would cost as much or is more expensive than the actual gadget itself, the owner should opt for a replacement instead.

• The device is overly complicated to use.

If the owner has been trying to use the gadget for months and still hasn’t figured out how the thing works or the device is overly complicated and hard to understand, then a new device with an easier user interface will be better.

• The item’s replacement will cost cheaper to replace than a repair.

It will really help the consumer if they did their research on how much it would cost for repairs and how much a prospect replacement devices would cost, and then compared the two. If a new device is cheaper than the repair cost/s, the consumer is advised to go for the replacement.
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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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