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Travel Insurance: Why You Need One and Which Type to Get for Your Trip

Learn why travel insurance should be on top of your travel prep checklist.

By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | February 17, 2018
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what to look for in travel insurance Philippines

Heading somewhere? You might want to consider travel insurance.

Planning a perfect vacation takes time, from booking flights to making hotel reservations. So naturally travelers would want their trip to go be flawless; however, mishaps like canceled flights, missing luggage, and harsh weather can still occur even when one is on vacation. In severe cases, travelers might even contract a sudden illness or experience unexpected emergencies or accidents. While these things are unavoidable, it would be easier to deal with them by investing in travel insurance.

When is the perfect time to consider travel insurance? Travel advisory websites recommend that as much as possible, it should be included in all travels.

Aside from basic trip essentials like clothes and gadgets, travelers are encouraged to include travel insurance in their checklist as well. Not only does Travel insurance prove useful during setbacks, but it also acts as a security blanket for the traveler’s peace of mind.

There are five primary types of travel insurance:

1. Cancellation insurance

This is useful when unforeseen events such as sudden sickness, weather changes, or legal duties happen during a trip. Pregnant women who acquire this coverage are required to get a note from their doctor.

2. Medical insurance

If the tourist has a pre-existing medical condition, this type of policy would come in handy as most medical insurance policies offer 24 hours medical assistance from verified medical facilities and personnel. Obtaining injuries in a foreign country can land the traveler a huge hospital bill, but having this type of insurance can lessen the costs. Finding a qualified facilities and personnel can also be easier.

3. Evacuation insurance

Evacuation insurance goes side by side with medical insurance. It is useful during times of emergency when the tourist has to be transferred to an appropriate health care facility. According to website Travelzoo, this insurance is often purchased by adventure-seekers who venture into far destinations.

4. Baggage insurance

Baggage insurance covers two instances: first is when essential items get delayed upon arriving at the destination and second is when possessions get lost or damaged along the way.

5. Flight insurance

This type of insurance typically applies to overseas travels as these trips have more expensive flight fares. Flight cancellations due to mechanical difficulties, weather, and other factors are covered by this insurance.

Several travel insurance companies offer different policies in one package, such as medical care in case of sickness or injury, coverage for sudden trip cancellations or missing or stolen luggage, medical evacuation, and medical repatriation.

However, there are limitations. Some basic insurance policies do not cover those who engage in extreme sports or adventurous expeditions like skydiving or hiking. Injuries resulting from abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs would not be covered as well. Not all travel destinations are covered by insurance policies as well: those who are heading to countries that are considered dangerous have little chances of getting coverage.

Since there are various travel insurance options out there, it helps to keep in mind a few factors to consider which one to choose.

Firstly, travelers should think of what specific coverage they need during their trip. If they are going to a country for a ski trip, backpacking adventure, or an adventurous sport, extra coverage might help as extreme activities are excluded from most insurance policies. If the travelers also want to protect their health, having travel insurance will link them to reputable medical facilities and a medical response team.

Second, travelers should consider the likelihood of events happening. When looking for coverage, travelers might consider these circumstances:

  • They are going to a place that is known for having political instability.
  • Their destination is currently classified as high-risk due to a cyclone, hurricane, or wildfire season.
  • They are traveling to a place where they do not speak the native language—making asking for help or medical assistance difficult.
  • The flight is expensive.
  • The travelers pre-booked a non-refundable and/or expensive cruise, hotel, or tour package.
  • The tourists are traveling with a family member who needs to access facilities easily in case of an emergency.
  • If any of the travelers or part of their family member is ill and it can affect the activity or plans for the entire trip.
  • The trip is planned in advance.

If the travelers have many of these factors checked, then they should consider getting travel insurance.

Third, travelers should check insurance that they already own as it might already include or cover things such as treatment for overseas injuries and illness. For instance, lost or stolen baggage might also be covered by homeowner policies.

Fourth, compare the cost of the insurance to the possible risk. In terms of travel insurance policy, travelers should weigh in the price as a factor. Insurance might not be worth it if the price of the policy is more expensive than the total cost of the ticket without any pre-booked expense. However, if the ticket is more expensive then it is more practical to get insurance.

For example, an expensive insurance plan that covers missing or stolen luggage is not necessary if the traveler is only bringing a backpack that contains books or clothes. But if the tourist is bringing expensive gadgets such as cameras, laptops, phones, tablets, and other electronics, then they should opt for extra coverage.

On the topic of items, it should also be noted that some policies have a limit in covering stolen possessions. This means that a policy might not completely compensate a stolen bag full of prized possessions, gadgets, and huge amounts of money. If traveling with numerous expensive items, the tourist should look for a policy that has no coverage limits.

After choosing an insurance plan, travelers should read the entire terms and conditions of the policy before making a final purchase, as most insurance plans are sold in packs. Travelers should look for inclusions available in plans that will give them bigger benefits. In addition, it is also recommended to compare prices between insurance plans and purchase a policy after booking a trip.

Lastly, the travelers should have a copy of their insurance policy during the trip for easier access if it is needed.
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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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