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7 Essential Things to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag for Your Next Flight

Travelling light? Be sure to include these necessities in your hand-carry!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | May 01, 2018
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things to bring when traveling

Everyone dreams of travelling the world. The thrill of travelling lets you experience new things, learn new and unfamiliar cultures, and make new memories. As a matter of fact, there are even research studies that support the idea that travelling makes you happier more than purchasing material objects, which is why more and more people are getting into exploring the world. Indeed, travelling shouldn’t be considered as a luxury but rather a necessity in shaping you into the best person you can be.

And to make your trip the best that it can be, there are many factors you need to familiarize yourself with when travelling. Your hand-carry luggage is about half of them; it might look simple, but deciding what to bring into your hand-carry can be a really stressful task. To help you narrow down the dire necessities, here is a list of absolutely essential things to bring when travelling.

1. Important documents

things to bring when traveling

All your travel documents can be conveniently kept in a document organizer.

Many would say that this is basic knowledge. When travelling either abroad or local, you have to have your documents with you at all times. These include your passport (if you’re travelling internationally), plane ticket, boarding pass, baggage claim ticket, travel itinerary (if you have one), travel insurance, a form of identification, and even the booking confirmation from the hotel where you’ll be staying. Having these things close to you all the time will ensure that you’ll be safe, secure, and ready should you need any of them at once.

2. Emergency medication

things to bring when traveling

These little pills can become your trip’s lifesavers.

It never hurts to come prepared. While you might feel your very best before take-off, you could never know for sure what you can come down with in the duration of your trip. You can get nausea or motion sickness due to turbulence, stomach ache or headache, allergies, or even a plain cold while on board. These little packets of medication weigh next to nothing so they can even be placed inside your pocket and shouldn’t be a hassle for you to bring.

3. Travel-size toiletries

things to bring when traveling

Travel-size toiletries make sure your hygiene game is always on point.

Along with your medication, your essential toiletries should also be inside your carry-on. However, because of the rule that most airlines abide by, about prohibiting any liquids more than 100 milliliters aboard, you should consider bringing along miniature versions of these so they won’t get confiscated during check-in. Crucial items include a hand sanitizer, baby wipes, a toothbrush and mini-toothpaste, and a small comb to keep you fresh during the flight.

4. Enjoyable entertainment

things to bring when traveling

Your hours spent on the plane will just fly by if you’re entertained.

The duration of flights depends on your destination. Some might be over before you finish an episode of your favorite show, while some might take half a day or even more. Therefore, it is recommended that you have something to while the time with in order to avoid getting too bored during your flight. Keep yourself occupied and entertained by bringing along handy things that are entertaining or interesting to you, like a book, a magazine, a tablet, even your laptop, and of course, your trusty headset and music player.

5. Loose change and small bills

things to bring when traveling

It is ideal to keep loose change and small bills in your pocket just in case.

While you should keep your wallet with you at all times, it is also important to make sure that you have smaller bills and loose change on hand should you leave your wallet behind, or worse, lose it. These will come in handy in case you need to pay off small fees, or make convenient purchases like airport food and beverage. At least by having spare change, you will be able to survive in the absence of your personal wallet.

6. Satisfying snacks

things to bring when traveling

Nobody wants to pay for pricey, bland airplane food.

Airplane food has never been known to be delicious or interesting. Adding this to the fact that they have a hefty price tag, you might want to pack a snack of your own. Good examples of convenient snacks to bring on the plane are granola bars, chocolate bars, basically anything that’s already packaged light enough so to not cause too much litter or hassle to consume on board.

7. Dependable earplugs

things to bring when traveling

Earplugs help make your plane ride more comfortable.

Plane rides come with a number of uncomfortable situations, and earache is one of them. Earaches during flights are caused by varying internal and external air pressure, and since the air pressure inside the plane is significantly lower than how it normally is, the pain becomes inevitable. Earplugs can help lessen the effect of the atmospheric variations, counter hearing losses, and even aid you from getting blocked ears after the flight. Plus, even if everything checks out, earplugs also help you

Wherever you might be headed, being comfortable and safe should always be a priority. And to make that possible, you should always pack light and smart.

What are your must-have carry-on items? Tell us about them in the comments below!
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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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