Easy Steps on How to Prepare for a Garage Sale

Looking for tips on how to conduct a successful garage sale? Read on!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | June 20, 2018
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how to prepare for a garage sale

Think about the New Year’s resolution you made for 2018. You probably said you wanted to start eating better and become more active. Or maybe you promised to try a new hobby or even fulfill a life passion. But one common resolution is to finally get your life together in all or, more feasibly, most aspects. It might be through fixing the relationships you keep or through pursuing the career you’ve always dreamed of, but one good and quick way to “get it together” is by hosting your own garage sale.

Garage sales are great activities to help you sort out through all your belongings and make you prioritize them, organize the mess all those years of collecting and buying has made, and earn a few bucks along the way, too! Intrigued? The following steps will teach you on how to prepare for a garage sale.

Step 1: Sort out your stuff.

how to prepare for a garage sale

Go through every room in your house and straighten out all your things.

You need to be certain which of your possessions could stay and which need to go. Go through all of them—the old, the new, the forgotten—and ask yourself if you see yourself using an item in the near future. If you say yes, it stays; if not, toss it in the box. This’ll also help purge your “hoarder tendencies” and teach you how to prioritize.

Step 2: Create a buzz.

how to prepare for a garage sale

Put your social media accounts to good use and inform your followers.

In order for your garage sale to be a success, people must know that it’s happening. Rely on the trusty word-of-mouth tactic, put up fliers in your neighbourhood, and use to your advantage the power of social media. Post announcements and reminders about your sale on your timeline or create an event page. Also make sure to ask the people closest to you if they can swing by on the day of the event; moral support can go a long way.

Step 3: Schedule conveniently.

how to prepare for a garage sale

Timing is crucial, even for garage sales.

Make sure that your garage sale is scheduled to your buyers’ convenience. Do not arrange it on weekdays as people go to work and school or during sundown when people would very much rather do other things. Hosting it midmorning on either a Saturday or a Sunday is ideal since people are generally more relaxed and unhurried during the weekends. This means they can really take their time and look through your items meticulously. You might also want to consider making it a two-day event for more chances of everything getting bought.

Step 4: Price reasonably.

how to prepare for a garage sale

When it comes to pricing, it’s important to be business-minded yet sensible.

Remember that even though you’re hoping to make as much profit as possible, the items you are going to be selling are secondhand, so you have to keep them at reasonable prices. Consider not only the original price but also the wear on the items you’re selling. You can also offer deals in the form of small freebies that come with the pricier items. As much as possible, try to go to an actual garage sale so you can get an idea how certain items are priced.

Step 5: Ready your change.

how to prepare for a garage sale

As the host, you need to be prepared at all times.

This step may be trivial, but it can be overlooked during the flurry of preparation. Make sure you have sufficient change and small bills with you that will last the entire event. Having change at all times will also prevent you from being forced to lower the items’ prices and prevent unnecessary squabbles with customers.

Step 6: Handle haggling effectively.

how to prepare for a garage sale

Have some leverage but do not be a pushover when buyers start to haggle.

Ah, the art of haggling. It might be fun if you’re the one asking for a discount but it’s a different story when you’re on the opposite side of the situation. Since most of your customers would probably be family or long-time friends, it is important to be steadfast and firm while remaining friendly when they ask for a lower price. Determine the minimum amount you’re willing to sell a particular item for and do not falter if they ask you to go lower.

Step 7: Donate what’s left.

how to prepare for a garage sale

Donating the leftovers will undeniably bring you good karma.

Although you might have tried your best to empty out all the shelves and boxes, chances are there are still a number of items left unsold. Instead of putting them back in your house and adding pointless clutter in your life, why don’t you donate them to people who need them more? Not only will this give you some peace of mind, it’s also a good deed that won’t cost anything.

Garage sales are a win-win situation. Not only will you get ride of the literal clutter in your life and home, but you’ll also earn a couple of extra bucks you can use for activities you find pleasurable.

Have you ever hosted a garage sale of your own? How’d it go? We’d love to hear from you in our comment section below!
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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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