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Pet Owners Alert! Get These Low-Maintenance, Pet-friendly Houseplants

Get cleaner air with these low-maintenance, pet-friendly houseplants.

By: Denisse Shawntel Tan | March 31, 2020
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houseplants safe for cats and dogs

Houseplants are not just a decoration you could use to spice up the look of your home, there’s more to them than just their appearance.

Gone are the days when plants only belong to gardens. Bringing a piece of nature inside one’s home is now highly recommended. Finding a perfect houseplant can be quite a work since there are other things to consider such as the lifestyle of the homeowner. For example, if the owner has a busy schedule, they should opt for a low-maintenance plant which requires minimal watering. If the owner has a cat or dog, then they should settle for those that are pet-friendly.

And of course, adding houseplants is also considered as a great way to add an extra oomph to any room in your home since some plants can bring a pop of color. Of course, plants should go beyond than just being a design, as its perks outweigh its visual beauty. Believe it or not, there are many benefits one can reap even from just a tiny plant.

1. Houseplants assist humans in breathing

Plants produce oxygen that humans need to live and at the same time, humans give out carbon dioxide to the plants. Humans need all the oxygen they could get, and plants help increase the oxygen levels.

However, just like humans, plants respire like humans at night—meaning that they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Plants such as succulents, orchids, and epiphytic bromeliads do the opposite by releasing oxygen and receiving carbon dioxide. These plants are recommended to be placed in bedrooms for a fresher air during night time [1].

2. Houseplants improve one’s mood, concentration, and happiness

It is scientifically proven that having a green space can heighten a person’s mood and increase their productivity and concentration by 15 percent [2]. Plants can be a source of relief from stress as nature can be calming for some.

Studies also found that those who have a houseplant near their work table have better memory and focus because of they found plants as a source of relief from stress. Touching soft and smooth plants was also found to be a great way to keep calm. In addition, plant owners were found to be more optimistic, creative, and have improved work quality [3].

3. Houseplants improve one’s health

There’s a reason why some hospitals have flower vases inside their rooms and why bringing a flower during a visit is often practiced. It turns out that plants are medicines too, sort of.

Kansas State University found out that adding plants on hospital rooms speeds up the recovery of patients. The plants have shown to lower the blood pressure and heart rate of the patients as well as having less anxiety and fatigue. While the Dutch Product Board for Horticulture conducted a study that shows placing plants in a workplace have decreased the chance of employees from getting sore throats, fatigues, colds, headaches, coughs, and other flu-like symptoms. This is because of the plants’ ability to humidify the air and decrease the amount of dusts that can cause respiratory sickness [4].

4. Houseplants purify air

Some people are unaware that pollution is not only rampant outside of their homes but also can be found inside—especially if they live in a highly polluted and industrial area. Being exposed to indoor air pollution can increase the chance of getting lung cancer by six percent, respiratory infections by 12 percent, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by 22 percent, ischemic heart disease by 26 percent, and stroke by 34 percent [5].

But good news for plant owners, a study conducted by the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) reveals that houseplants can remove 87 percent of toxins within 24 hours. These toxins include volatile organic compounds (VOC), under VOC are formaldehyde (which can be found in cigarette smoke, vinyl, rugs, and grocery bags), trichloroethylene and benzene (both often present in ink, paints, solvents, books, and printed papers). [6]

Few of the best air purifier includes areca palm, spider plant, ferns, money tree, wax plant, and bamboo.

5. Houseplants can be a source of home-remedies

There are plants that have medicinal properties that can be used for home remedies. For example, aloe vera is versatile and useful to treat many skin-related injuries and burns. Its gel form can be used as a moisturizer. Lastly, aloe vera’s use can go on as an organic substitute for mouthwash and a natural laxative [7].

Lavender can be used for migraine headaches, insomnia, joint pains, toothache, sores, and dandruff. While rosemary is anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant that can help boost immune system. It also fights bloating, upset stomachs, bacterial infections, and diarrhea.

Other houseplants that have medicinal properties include: thyme, basil, peppermint, calendula, chamomile, lemon balm, and oregano [8].

With all these health benefits, it is undeniable that plants are our “green friends.” In return, we must give them all the care that they need too.

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About Denisse Shawntel Tan
Denisse Tan is currently a work in progress: she’s an aspiring writer, artist, and fashion designer! She’s trying to figure out how to manage her time in achieving all of her goals while also taking in life as humanly possible. Aside from art, she’s a big fan of the color pink, disco music, Bratz dolls, and Genshin Impact. By age 35, she plans to travel to New York City 🗽.
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