Buying & Rental Tips

Ghost Month in the Philippines: 5 Things Home-Buyers Need to Consider

Buying a house this August? Learn what things to avoid for a successful purchase!

By: Antonette Louise Guiao | August 09, 2019
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Ghost Month 2019 Philippines

The Ghost Month is a Chinese tradition wherein they help restless, wandering spirits.

The Chinese have many customs which are strictly observed up until this day, and one of these is the Ghost Month. The Ghost Month is a Taoist and Buddhist tradition that falls on the seventh lunar month of the Chinese calendar. On its first day, the gates of hell are opened and give restless and hungry spirits—said to be unrepentant sinners or victims of tragic accidents— the freedom to roam around the face of the Earth for one entire month.

Considering that uneasy ghosts wander during this time of the year, the Chinese community follows strict practices. One of the things to avoid is making huge life decisions such as buying new property. This is why many think that the Ghost Month is not a good time to buy a new house. However, there are still those who decide to push through.

This year, Ghost Month 2019 in the Philippines and elsewhere begins on August 1 and ends on August 29. If you’re one of the people who think that buying new property this Ghost Month 2019 in the Philippines isn’t a bad idea, take the time to read and at least consider these five things before doing so.

1. The location of the property

Hungry Ghost Festival

Properties built on irregularly shaped lots may cause mental imbalance and conflicts.

Many believe that one of the most important things to consider when buying new property during Ghost Month is its location. Properties located at culs-de-sac or dead ends must be avoided, for it is believed that energies, whether positive or negative, can pile up there and cause harm to the future occupants. “Poison arrows” such as street intersections, church steeples, and tall buildings must not be directed towards your new property because it can cause a flow of negative energy, also known as sha chi.

Keep away from properties which have trees in front of them and are located near fault lines because these factors can block the positive energy known as chi from coming inside. Be wary of the surroundings as well. Other than safety, you must also consider the establishments built around the place. Look for a property which is not surrounded by cemeteries, garbage dumps, prisons, and hospitals because these places are said to cause sha chi.

2. The property’s history

August 2019

Do not immediately build property on land which was previously burned down.

Way before the property you’re eyeing stood in its place, previous establishments have been erected in its spot. In order to be safe this Ghost Month, you must be knowledgeable about your new property’s history. Try to ask those who have lived there before and find out what they have experienced. Did a family live there? Was the family happy? Did they experience family problems like divorce or tragedies such as a relative’s death? Seek for answers.

Moreover, avoid buying new property built on land which was originally a cemetery, funeral home, or a slaughterhouse. Sha chi could still be lingering around due to the past activities that could have happened in establishments like these. Keep in mind that when buying property, the past matters.

3. The ease of insect-proofing the property

things to avoid

Covering holes and other possible entrances is one way of keeping the insects out.

During the Ghost Month, restless spirits aren’t the only ones wandering on Earth; spirits of loved ones roam around as well. Since some of them are believed to be reincarnated as insects, killing bugs is deemed as disrespectful for it may mean that you are killing your dead relatives the second time around.

Looking for a property which is insect-proof sounds a tad bit impossible because insects will always find a way into homes, so the best step is to find a way to lessen the infestation. By screening main openings such as windows, filling in the cracks in the walls, repairing all leaky water piping, and preparing a sanitation protocol, your new home can be as bug-proof as you want it to be. The fewer insects there are, the smaller the chances of double-killing a relative.

4. The placement of doors and windows

Ghost_Month 2019 Philippines

Doors and windows govern the energy flow in a property.

When it comes to buying new property, another major thing to consider is the placement of main openings like doors and windows. These play a vital role when it comes to the flow of energy, because they serve as a medium for controlling sha chi and channeling chi. Avoid properties with many windows placed at the back because according to beliefs, this may weaken the energy of the home.

The doors of the new property must not be directly aligned, and two doors must not be in very close proximity with each other. Check if the doors touch each other when they are opened. If they do, stay away from because it may lead to chaos or create a chaotic energy.

5. The property’s lighting

Ghost Month 2019 Philippines

Put table lamps and other light sources in commonly dark nooks and crannies.

In Chinese philosophy, it is believed that there are two opposite forces: the yin energy or the dark energy that gets its power from the moon, and the yang energy or the bright energy that generates its power from the sun. Spirits are said to roam at night when it’s dark, as they get stronger from the yin energy. There is a tendency that they might possess the dark corners of your new home during the night as well.

If you’re going to buy new property, make sure that the windows are placed in spots where they can easily acquire natural light. Avoid using dark window decorations such as dark colored curtains as they will only absorb the natural light. Interior lighting must also be inspected thoroughly. Double check the light fixtures of your soon-to-be home, and make sure that you will be installing the proper shade of light. Stay away from orangey shades, for these can strengthen ghostly energy.

Whether or not you believe in the Ghost Month, these tips can still help you thoroughly consider important things you should not overlook when buying your future home!

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About Antonette Louise Guiao
Antonette is a writer, a night owl, an extrovert, and a BTS ARMY. Her spare time is consumed by drawing digital vector art, sleeping, binge-watching Netflix series, and learning how to cook. An adventurer by heart, she aspires to travel the world with her family, try extreme outdoor activities, and taste all sorts of food in different countries.
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