For sure, getting your first credit card will be an exciting experience. It will essentially unlock a multitude of features that can enhance your financial flexibility beyond what that entails today. For one, credit cards will allow you to make cashless transactions, which means that shopping both in-store and online will be a breeze. You can also use your credit card to earn reward points that can be used to redeem vouchers, gifts, and other perks.
A credit card can also be invaluable for your budget management, as credit card statements offer a detailed way to keep track of your expenses. The rundown can help you evaluate your spending habits. All these benefits are things
credit card Philippines holders can look forward to if they want their lives to be more pleasant and convenient.
Before you swipe your new credit card, however, it’s important to know the details of how it works. Your knowledge of credit card terminologies will be essential towards making wiser purchasing decisions and avoiding unpleasant surprises when using your card.
Here are some terms that you should definitely keep in mind to make the most of your credit card experience:
1. Credit Limit
Your credit limit refers to the maximum amount you can spend with your credit card. Credit limits can vary depending on multiple factors such as income, credit history, and the type of card you have. For instance, as a first-time credit card user, you may find that your credit limit is currently set at a modest amount.
However, frequent use of your credit card, as well as your effort to pay your bills on time, often helps convince your card provider to increase this limit eventually. Try to avoid exceeding your limit when using your card, as doing so could lead to overlimit charges.
2. Billing Cycle
The billing cycle is the time frame during which your credit card transactions are recorded, typically lasting about 30 days. All purchases, bill payments, and other card transactions made during this period are recorded in your statement, which is then released at the end of the billing cycle.
Knowing the dates of your billing cycle allows you to plan your card usage strategically. For example, purchases made at the start of your billing cycle won't be due for payment until the end of the next cycle's grace period, giving you more than a month to settle the bill without incurring interest.
8. Reward Points
Credit card issuers often offer reward points for every peso you spend, such as 1 point for every PHP 100 spent. These points can then be redeemed for discounts, travel miles, gift vouchers, or merchandise. Some cards offer more points for specific spending categories such groceries or travel, so make sure to choose a card that will reward your particular lifestyle.
9. Statement of Account
Your statement of account is a summary of your credit card activity during the billing cycle. It includes your total balance, minimum amount due, due date, and a detailed list of all the transactions you’ve made. Make it a habit to review your statements regularly to track spending, spot any errors, and (in the worst-case scenario) detect fraudulent transactions.
Again, knowledge of these key credit card terms will enable you to use your new card wisely and efficiently. This information can also help you avoid unnecessary fees such as late payment or overlimit charges. Shop, pay bills, and make transactions with your credit card with ease while building good financial habits at the same time.
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